Platobné systémy - Mincové, bankovkové a bezhotovostné. Telemetria, platenie ID (dochádzkovými) kartami, bankomatovými a stravenkovými kartami a mobilom. Náhradné diely, záručný a pozáručný servis. Poradenstvo pre nové aplikácie.



Minimal cost of ownership when customized with a variety of variants, interfaces, support tools, and accessories

Intuitive cash management system. Optimize payments by giving change while knowing what cash is on hand

SCR Advance™

Note Recycler

Customer Convenience. Cash accepted is recycled for use as change, reducing device intervention

Eliminate the risk of theft. High security validation technology, with a specialized inventory management system to ensure complete note accountability—even in a powered down state

Compact footprint. Easily fits into new or existing devices and reduces overall footprint of the machine

Low cost of ownership. Unit is much less expensive to install than traditional two drum recycling solutions

Limit staff intervention. Cash volume monitored with notification when the unit is full—this eliminates the inconvenience of daily cash collection